Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Adventure in North Dakota: Rain, Snow, and Successful Catches!

May 28, 2024

Memorial day weekend in North Dakota was one for the books! Not only did it rain it also snowed! The start of the weekend was a little interesting. The weather turned nice Sunday but it had changed up our go to shallow spots with all the wind. The 3 to 6 ft shallow bays had turned very dirty and the fish had moved out. We found the weather had forced the fish out to the 10 to 15 ft depths and they started to hang around the structure. Once you found the fish they were very active! the water was clear enough the boat would scare them out if you came in with your big motor they would come back around after 10 minutes. slip bobber and small jigs with leeches is what worked best for us producing nice walleyes and some pike mixed in with them. The shallow water was stirred up from the wind so we didn’t see much bass this weekend but the walleyes made up for that! Devils Lake North Dakota will always throw something fun at you any given day of the year! So keep and eye out on the weather and keep checking the fishing reports!

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